Yes, AppScenic is better than AliExpress and here is why.
On AliExpress you can find products at low prices with a two-week delivery time worldwide. But there is also a good chance to find fake suppliers with low-quality products. And if their products are low quality you will only find out when they get to your customers and that’s already too late. Also, as many suppliers on AliExpress have long shipping times, that can drive away many of your customers.
With AppScenic, you can avoid all these. You will get access to over 1 million high-quality scalable products all coming from trusted and top-rated suppliers.
All the suppliers on AppScenic can ship products directly from the USA, Europe, Canada, Australia, etc. That means you won’t have to wait up to 40 days for an order to arrive like it happens when you choose AliExpress.
And on top of everything, once you are connected to the AppScenic App, you get to automate everything, from importing and syncing products to orders, payments, tracking numbers and so much more.