Here is what you need to do to setup your Shipping Details and main location:

  • Once you reach Step 3 - Store Settings, you first need to add the main country you will ship to or, in other words, where most of your customers are located under Main Location.

  • You can also choose to select the box "Do you also ship to other countries (internationally)" if you intend to ship internationally. Keep in mind that if you don't tick this option you'll be able to import only products that ship to your main location.

  • Now, pick a language for your store. This is important as the AI product-generated content will be translated into this language. 

  • Choose your store niche. You can choose as many niches as you want. This will help us improve your search results in our product catalogue.

  • You now need to add a default phone number for your orders. Now, we need this number to send it to the shipping company in case a customer doesn't fill in their phone and the order can not be delivered otherwise. That's why we recommend making the phone number mandatory in your store to avoid situations when the shipping company can not reach your customer.

  • Make your choice and click on NEXT.

And that's how you set up your Shipping and Store Settings from the Quick Start process.