The 4th and maybe the most important step in setting up your AppScenic Account is importing and publishing your products. 

You can either import products by connecting your store through our built-in Integrations or manually import your products from a file with Online Feeds.

Here is more information on the 2 ways to import your products:

Import your products through Online Feeds means you can upload manually your products by:

  • uploading a csv, text or excel file with a list of your products
  • FTP / SFTP
  • from URL 

Check all about Online Feeds here

The other way to have your products up and running on AppScenic is to import your products through Integrations

This means you get to use our available integrations for the following e-commerce platforms:



Check more about Integrations here

When importing products you can choose to automatically publish them in our catalogue or import them as draft. If they are imported as draft you can later publish them from My Products.

Now you are all set to start your dropshipping journey!