You can also modify the price of products individually, without having a Price Formula.

Here are the steps to follow.

  • From your Dashboard, click on Account, then My products, and find the product/s you want to update the price for. 

  • Next to the price, you'll find a symbol of a pen, click on it.

A pop-up like the one below will appear and here is where you can start editing the price.

  • You can update the price manually both for products with variants and for simple products. 

Keep in mind: If the price is manually edited, it will no longer be calculated by the price formula. This means that when the supplier changes the item cost or the shipping cost, the price will no longer be automatically updated. You will need to make sure that the price is still profitable for you. 

If and when you change your mind and want to change it to a Price Formula, apply the "Default" formula or another Price Formula to the products and it will overwrite the individual pricing.

You might also find this article helpful: How to add a Price Formula