When you go into your AppScenic Supplier Account and click on Payments on the left side of your Dashboard, you will find the Payouts page.

This page actually contains a table with all your payment transactions to date from AppScenic. You can also see these exact transactions in your bank accounts. 

The table found on the Payouts page you will find a table has the following columns:

  • Reference: this is the payment reference which is automatically generated.

  • Date: this is the date and time when that payment was paid. 

  • Total Amount: this is the total amount of all the orders included in that specific payment transaction.

  • Orders: this is the id(s) of the orders included in the payment transaction; all these order ids are clickable.

  • Invoices: here you can find all invoices for the orders included in that specific payment transaction; you can download all these by clicking on icon. 

  •  Export as CSV button - by clicking on this button you can download a CSV with all the data in table except for the Invoices part.

  • Download all invoices button - by clicking on this button you can download all your paid invoices.

And that's the Payouts page on your Supplier Account