We wanted to make it easy for you to import all products of a supplier in your AppScenic Account with just one click.

To do that, we added a new BULK IMPORT button on the top-right side of the Product Catalogue page.

There are 2 ways you can use this button and import products in bulk from a specific supplier:

  • Add your supplier ID in the Supplier filter tab on top of the Product Catalogue page. Then click on the BULK IMPORT button and confirm that you want those products imported to your store. 

  • Click on a product you want to import from our Product Catalogue page. Then click on the Supplier ID found on the product card top side. Now, the supplier filter will automatically be applied to the catalogue. You can now click on the BULK IMPORT button and confirm that you want those products imported to your store.

In both of these cases, a green notification will appear on the top right side of your screen stating: Your bulk import is currently in progress. Once the import is completed, you will get another notification letting you know that it's done.

Keep in mind: This button will work only when the products are filtered by a supplier ID. If no supplier ID filter is used, this error message will appear: You must filter products by a supplier ID to use this Bulk Import button.