First, go to your AppScenic Account and click on Product Catalogue. 

There you can choose from around 100 categories or you can simply scroll down and browse through our products.

Keep in mind we have over 1 million products, so we recommend filtering by category and choosing from other filters like In Stock or Premium Only, or Shipping Locations

  • Now, find the product/s you want to add to your store, click on it, read its description, and all the information provided by our top suppliers. 

  • Once you decide you want to sell that product, you can click on the IMPORT NOW button on the right side of the product card. 

  • You can also import your product by clicking directly on the IMPORT NOW button on the Product Catalogue card. But that’s only if you don’t need to read its description and other details.

  • A notification will appear every time you import a new product, letting you know that the product has been imported to your store and you can find it on the My Products page.

So, once you’re happy with your product selection, you can view all of them by clicking on Account, then My Products, and All Products.

And that’s how you import a product from AppScenic to your eBay store. 

Here's how to push products to your eBay store