To start enhancing your product images, follow these steps. 

  • Go to Product AI Tools on your AppScenic Account and click on Description & Images

  • Here you will land on a page called AI Products where you can see all your imported products.

  • Choose which product you want to improve with AI and click on its name to land on its page.

  • Select which images you want to improve using AI and then click on the AI icon placed on the right side of those images.

  • A pop-up will appear (see below) and you will have to confirm you want to run AI improvements on images by clicking on YES.

  • Once the AI has made its changes, you will see the new images at the end of your product page. Select the ones you like, and approve them by clicking on ACCEPT AI IMPROVEMENTS.

  • Another pop-up will appear, click on YES if you want these changes to appear live on your store. 

  • When the changes are live and completed, you will see on the right side of that product page the status COMPLETED under AI Improvement and IN STORE under Integration Status.

And that's how you use our new AI tool to improve product images!