If now is the first time you make a wallet deposit then you can get an extra 10% on us!


Here’s what you have to do.

  • If this is your first time adding a store on AppScenic, then simply follow our Quick Start and once you get to Step 5 - WALLET DETAILS, click on CONFIGURE YOUR STORE WALLET. 

You will then land on a page like the one below. On the left side, you have to add all your billing details and billing address.

On the right side, you have to select your preferred currency and the amount you want to deposit for the first time. So, if you add $200, you will get $20 (10% bonus) from us. 

Then choose to tick this box “I allow AppScenic to save this payment method and use it for future payments” if you want AppScenic to use it for future payments.

Also, tick the Auto Funding box you want us to fund your balance automatically every time you reach a pre-defined threshold set by you. For example, if your account reaches less than $20, we will add $200, if that’s your pre-defined threshold, to your account from your preferred method of payment. 

Now, click on SET WALLET AND DEPOSIT FUNDS and follow the steps to confirm your payment method with your bank and payment processor.

Keep in mind: The store wallet can be configured later but you need to set it up before sending your first orders to suppliers. 

Find out how you can set up your Wallet from your Account