Online Feeds

Can I clone or duplicate an online feed?
On your AppScenic Account, go to Import Products, then Online Feeds. Now find the feed/file you want to clone or duplicate.  Click on th...
Tue, 27 Jul, 2021 at 7:05 PM
How can I see the history of an online feed?
On your AppScenic Account, go to Import Products, then Online Feeds. Now find the feed/file you want to see the history.  Click on the A...
Tue, 27 Jul, 2021 at 7:05 PM
What is the difference between Scheduled and Manual Upload feeds?
In the Online feeds section of your AppScenic Account you will see Scheduled and Manual Upload on top of your files and feeds.  Under Schedu...
Tue, 27 Jul, 2021 at 7:06 PM
What does it mean to unpublish a feed?
Every feed you import and set as publish can also be unpublished easily by clicking on the Actions button on the other side of that file and choosing Unp...
Tue, 27 Jul, 2021 at 7:06 PM